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Do you own a laptop and have found that your laptop battery is not charging? The issue seems to be very frustrating. But, there is no need to worry. The article provides a few tips that can help you to fix the problem. You don’t have to try them all, as you go down the list, look for the appropriate one to fix the issue, or else you can contact Dell Service Center Hyderabad.

Reconnect your AC adapter and the laptop battery 

This is the most simple and very effective way to sort out the issue if your laptop is not charging. All that you need to do is, just power off your laptop and unplug the AC adapter and the battery from your laptop. For just a minimum of  20 seconds press and hold the power button of the laptop for discharging the residual power and then reconnect the battery and the AC adapter of the laptop. Switch on the power of your laptop and check if the battery is charging.

Try some other AC adapter 

If the AC adapter is having any fault in it, then the laptop might not be charging. You can use any other AC adapter to check if the laptop gets charged. If it’s charging by using another AC adapter, then it is time to replace the original one.

Dell Laptop Support

Reinstall your battery driver

If you use the wrong battery driver your laptop may not get charged. You can fix the problem by reinstalling the battery driver and then check to see if the laptop is charging. By connecting the laptop to the Internet, and in the device manager uninstall the battery driver. Restart the laptop for reinstalling the battery driver.

Update your BIOS

BIOS is the fundamental input and output system that regulates the connection between the operating system and the laptop hardware devices. If there is any fault in the BIOS settings, the laptop charging issues may arise. The solution for this problem is you need to update BIOS, at the Dell Official site you can find the support page for your laptop where you can download the latest BIOS update that is available and install it on your device. As a precaution back up all your data to prevent losing your precious data.

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Plug your laptop into a wall socket

With a surge protector, there are possibilities that your laptop battery is not charging and the functionality of the adopter can be affected. So you can try to power off the laptop and connect the AC adapter to a wall socket and then switch on the laptop to check if the problem has been solved.

Switch to a Chromebook

Windows is a very old technology, and when you constantly install certain uncontrolled third-party programs it can give way to malware or viruses infecting your system. The problem can be solved by switching to a more reliable, secure,  fast as well as cheaper operating system.  Chrome OS is similar to windows, but rather than installing a lot of programs you can use the Web app. The installation of any other programs is not necessary and hence the malware, virus, and computer slowing down issues can be eliminated.

Contact Dell support

 Once the above methods have been tried and still the user is not able to fix the problem, you can contact Dell Service. The professional crew members are ready to fix the problem and if your laptop is under warranty, the laptop or the battery can be repaired or replaced.

Hope this article has helped you to solve the issue of your laptop not being charged.

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