
Are you a beginner traveler who is interested in starting a travel vlog?

While it may seem easy to vlog about your travels and trips abroad, it’s difficult to make regular vlogs if you don’t know how to do it. In this article, we will discuss 7 simple tips for travel vlogging beginners.

For those of you who are still unfamiliar with the term “vlog” or who fear what might happen if you attempt to start one, a “vlog” is simply another way of referring to a video blog.

A video blog is a way to share your life and travels through the simple use of videos on sites such as YouTube. Rather than writing articles, now you can just sit down and speak directly to your audience about whatever it is you are interested in.

Vlogging, just like blogging, can be a great way to connect with people who are into the things that you’re into or just want some advice on where to go for their next vacation. However, it can also be very challenging, as most people really only know how to create text-based content.

Luckily, influencers apply some of the simple tips listed below for travel vloggers who are just starting out which will help them stay inspired! Keep reading and learn more about the tips and tricks that your audience would love to hear.

1. Engage with Other Vloggers

engage-with-other-vloggers-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersThe great thing about vlogging is that it allows you to establish connections with multiple people all over the world – but don’t stop there! Commit yourself to learn more about your audience and interacting with them regularly. This can be done by participating in comments on other travel vloggers’ videos or creating a channel of your own. That is where you can answer any questions that people might have for you.

2. Create Your Own Theme

create-your-own-theme-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersAre you interested in film? Do you want to focus specifically on the destination at hand while sharing any unique activities? What about keeping things casual so that your viewers feel as if they are chatting with friends while viewing your travel vlogs?

There are no hard rules when it comes to choosing the kind of video blog content for your channel. Keep in mind that this is your channel, create something that really reflects both who you are as an individual and what your personal style is.

3. Consider the Medium

consider-the-medium-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersWhen it comes to travel vlogs, there are many ways that they can be presented to your audience. Are you interested in creating videos for YouTube with the sole intention of promoting a certain destination?

Or would you rather create short clips for Instagram where you can share photos and short snippets of video footage with your loved ones? Be sure to consider how much time you must spend on each platform, as well as what content is most appropriate for each.

4. Make It Interesting

make-it-interesting-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersDoes your current daily life ever get repetitive? If so, great! This means that viewers should never get bored watching your travel vlogs. However, if you aren’t living an action-packed life, don’t worry; you can still make things interesting.

Try approaching your vlogs like a storyteller: talk about your past and what brought you to the present moment. Share exciting stories with interesting twists and turns that viewers would never expect.

5. Don’t Go Overboard on Equipment

dont-go-overboard-on-equipment-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersFinally, consider what kind of video equipment is best for you and your budget before purchasing anything. After all, no one really wants to watch a travel vlog that has obviously been recorded using someone’s iPhone!

If it can be helped, try to go as high-quality as possible with each purchase. However, there is nothing wrong with starting off small so long as you remember to keep things interesting. At the end of the day, a travel vlog is about you and your experiences – it doesn’t necessarily have to be perfect!

6. Edit Your Clips

edit-your-clips-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersBefore uploading your videos onto any platform, sit down and edit each clip after you’ve taken great footage. You can use this step to create a more cohesive story out of all of your footage while also emphasizing each clip’s strengths.

Make sure you add music in your video, as this is one of the most vital aspects of creating an entertaining travel vlog. The key here is not to overdo it: try keeping edits short and sweet so that viewers don’t get bored or distracted by their surroundings. Remember that this whole process should be fun for both you and your audience, so enjoy yourself every step of the way!

7. Think Captions

think-captions-as-travel-vlogging-guide-for-beginnersFinally, remember that audio is just as important as video when it comes to creating and sharing great content. This means that you should never underestimate the power of adding captions to your clips! By including captions, you allow viewers who rely on their headphones or who are listening to your vlogs in an environment with a lot of background noise to keep up with what you’re saying, but they also help any viewer by keeping them engaged in your trip’s overall story arc.

Equipment You Need for Your Travel Vlog

There are a few basic pieces of equipment that every travel vlogger should have in their arsenal. Below is a list of some essential items that will help you capture great footage on your next trip:

  • Camera – This is obviously the most important piece of equipment, so make sure to choose one that is best suited for your needs. DSLRs are great for those who want more control over their videos, while action cameras are perfect for those who want to shoot footage while on the move.
  • Tripod – A tripod is essential for keeping your camera steady during filming, especially if you’re shooting long-form content.
  • Microphone – An external microphone will help capture clear audio in any environment. It is essential for keeping your audience engaged in what you’re saying.
  • Lighting equipment – Flashlights are great if you’re filming in low-light settings, while light bulbs can help brighten bigger areas of your surroundings.
  • Smartphone or tablet – A smartphone or tablet can be used in conjunction with apps to help edit videos and put the finishing touches on your clips.
  • Computer – A computer is a must-have if you want to edit videos or upload them onto any platform. As smartphones and tablets simply don’t have the storage capacity to do so.
  • Lenses/additional lenses – If you’re using a DSLR camera, there are all kinds of different lenses that you can use to capture different shots and create more interesting content.

No matter where your dreams may take you, whether it be across the world, right down the street, or even something in between. Starting a travel vlog can be both rewarding and fun. So don’t hesitate; get out there and start making some memories today!